Well despite the nearly month long vacation, it still seems like it just wasn’t long enough as the spring semester here at Iowa State begins tomorrow. My first class of the semester officially begins at 9 am tomorrow, luckily it is a Meteorology class. This semester is filled with a couple of tough classes, both Physics and Differential Equations (Calculus IV) could be interesting, but both of them also mark the end of Physics and Math classes for my career. Unless you want to count a statistics course within the math sector, which I’m not going to do at this time…
The other two classes that I have are Meteorology and a Music class that I am taking for an elective, hopefully a fairly easy elective at that! Not to much else to talk about as far as classes go, I get all of the information for those tomorrow as they will hand out the syllabus, etc… Good luck to everybody else out there that is beginning classes once again!!
Here is my class schedule for Spring 2007: Spring 2007 Class Image
My last note about the semester beginning will be a sorrowful one, much like the last semesters’ beginning thread. The fact that I now have to be without seeing my significant other Alyssa once again! Throughout break we spent as much time as possible with each other and I know I enjoyed it as much as any time in my life, it is always fun to be around here and I can always be happy then. I just want to make sure that she knows that I wish she could be down here with me and that it is never the same without seeing her everyday…
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