Tuesday, December 5, 2006

'Dead Week'

Well besides several colleges being in what they call dead week, the weather has seemingly taken off this week. This is the final week before Fall semester Finals begin, thus ending the semester for most college students by December 15th. I’ll get up a Finals’ forecast sometime this weekend, but for now a look at the remainder of this week and through the weekend.

Waking up tomorrow should have everybody around the state in the lower to mid 20s, while highs will vary a bit more across the state. Northern portions of the state will likely just get above 30 degrees, while southern Iowa reaches the mid 30s and potentially some upper 30s to near 40 in southwestern Iowa. Thursday night with high pressure above the state the temperatures look to drop dramatically, nearing Zero across northern Iowa. Otherwise, the rest of the state should still be in single digits with the warmest locations being in the extreme southern corners. Highs on Thursday look to be in the lower 20s across most of the state, while lows Thursday night once again drop hard in the east where lows will drop to the single digits. While a new air mass is moving into the state on Thursday night, western areas of the state will see the lower teens and central Iowa looks at around 10 for the low. This new airmass makes its’ way across the entire state by Friday, where highs from the lower 30s in the east to near the 40 degree mark along the western edges.

This weekends’ lows should be fairly steady, with Friday nights’ ranging from the lower 20s to mid 20s. Saturday nights’ lows a little warmer, from the mid 20s to potentially some upper 20s in the south. Sunday night the lows drop a little bit, but still remaining in the lower 20s for the most part although some areas of northwest Iowa may drop into the upper teens. Highs on Saturday actually look to be above normal, with highs in the east near the snowpack remaining near 40 while the western portion of the state is reaching to the 50 mark. Sundays’ highs are nearly the same, most likely a degree or two cooler than Saturday.

No precipitation looks to be in sight at the moment, if anybody sees anything it will at most be a few snow flurries although even that looks like a long shot.