With the most recent bout of heavy rain last Friday night we saw our driveway deteriorate as water ran down it towards the ditch. While there is new 1.5 inch rock near the end of the driveway next to...
While meteorologists and climatologists often refer to Fall beginning on September 1st, the Fall Equinox occurred this morning and brought the first day of Fall. With sunny skies and a high temperature...
Wait, it's Wednesday... But I'll post a bit about last weekend and look forward to the next weekend anyway.
We started off heading to the local high school for the Friday night football game. The team...
We have came upon another wet pattern with 3.66 inches of rain within the past 48 hours; 2.87 inches of that occurring this morning. The nearby creek overflowed its banks again, and managed some water...
The three day Labor Day weekend meant a trip up to Iowa for the family to take in the longest running Labor Day celebration in the state. Yes, Graettinger, Iowa has been celebrating the holiday since...
During our adventure through the mud and back the pond we came across a few of these flowers, most of which were just starting to bloom. The plant photographed below was the most mature, and thus offered...