Life with a Job
Most of this summer has been spent on trips; a Florida vacation in mid-May, traveling the northern plains storm chasing in June. Now as school is nearing and apartment rent to pay, books to pay for, and other things that all require money, including the always expensive fuel-up. That has put me on a search for a job that will hire me for less than a month and pay me a decent amount. Well I found that job a couple of weeks ago and since Monday of last week I have been working for Monsanto (Dekalb) out of Spencer, Iowa doing several jobs out in the corn fields for them. This is the reason behind the slacking in the blog department, and for that I apologize. I hope you continue to check in on the blog, as by August 10th this job will be complete and I will be preparing for school and the move into my new apartment in Ames. In the mean time, I'll be sparse with updates unfortunately; however check in if you can just in case I do have the time to fill you in on any happenings. Thanks...
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